In order to register you for the 30(th) international NSU-Treffen from june 3(rd) till june 6(th), fill in the following form and click the button "Submit"!

You can transfer the inscription fee on the following bank account:

Bank: Volksbank Breisgau Nord

Owner: MSRT-Freiamt e.V.

Reference: NSU-Treffen 2010

IBAN: DE11680920000004578007


The inscription fee is 50,00 euro. Inscriptions arriving after may 02, 2010 will be 60,00 euro.

The gaps, which are marked with an asterisk have to be fullfilled.

second name *
first name *
street and house number *-
postal code *
place *
land *
phone *
mobile phone
e-mail address
date of birth
year of construction
registration number
- Requested amount of co-driver packages in the amount of 25,00 euro each.
With this I register for the the runs of constancy on the hill climb track.
The fee for this is 55,00 euro extra.
With this I register for the runs on the hill climb track, inscribed in the NSU-Bergpokal.
The fee for this is 55,00 euro extra.
With this I register for the runs on the hill climb track, inscribed in the TT-Trophy.
The fee for this is 55,00 euro extra.
With this I register for the Veteranen-Rallye from june 11(th) till june 14(th) 2010.
The fee for motorcycles and cars is 30,00 euro.
The fee for bicycles is 15,00 euro.
With this I register for the NSU-Korso through the Europa-Park on june 09(th) 2010.
Free entry for two persons to the Europa-Park.
Only for double participants on the international NSU-Treffen 2010 and the Veteranenrallye.

After clickling on the button "Submit", you will get an confirmation, that your data has been sent. 

To be sure, that your data reached us, you will get a confirmation mail just before the Treffen!